Industrial clerk (m/f/d)


The profession

What has to be done to ensure that the goods get to where they belong? That's what industrial clerks take care of. They work in companies in almost all sectors of the economy and are directly involved in production. They master and control business processes, compare offers, negotiate with suppliers, prepare calculations and record value flows in the company, which are then posted and controlled. 

The vocational school is located in Nordenham. The training for industrial clerks is only carried out every two years in order to guarantee a good education. It lasts three years. During the training you will be remunerated with a training salary of approx. 1100€ gross.


As an industrial clerk trainee, we expect you to have good grades in German, mathematics and English and a good secondary school leaving certificate, alternatively the Abitur. An interest in business as well as the ability to work in a team, willingness to learn and motivation are required. Sociability and good language skills are essential in this profession.

Apprenticeship course

  • Human Resources
  • Production management
  • Quality management
  • Purchasing
  • Magazine
  • Magazine
  • Accounting
  • Fixed asset accounting
  • Controlling
  • Sales
  • Sales
  • Human Resources
  • Subject task