Our feedback portal
Would you like to tell us something? Then you are welcome to use our feedback portal.
Assistant to the management
Tanja Lischewski
E-Mail: tanja.lischewski@glencore.de
Tel: +49 4731 368 602
Sale zinc
Alexander Schübel
E-Mail: alexander.schuebel@glencore.de
Tel: +49 4731 368 643
Sale by-products
Thorben Strehlow
E-Mail: thorben.strehlow@glencore.de
Tel: +49 4731 368 634
Sale lead
Baarermattstrasse 3
CH-6340 Baar
Tel: +41 41 709 2000
Fax: +41 41 709 3000
Email: General Information
Human Resources/Recruiting
Stefan Schmidt
E-Mail: stefan.schmidt@glencore.de
Tel: +49 151 59091494
Human Resources/Apprenticeship
Anika Kruck
E-Mail: anika.kruck@glencore.de
Tel: +49 4731 368 746
Dr. Günter Halle
E-Mail: guenter.halle@glencore.de
Tel: +49 4731 368 700
Energy and Decarbonization
Tim Eshold
E-Mail: tim.eshold@glencore.de
Tel: +49 4731 368 772